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Unity is a charity website theme and a non profit organization worldwide. We help the people for proper physical and mental growth.
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Finding and Searching environment, nature and people campaigns all over the world. Calling all people to join and save human life
A gift made by an individual or an organization to a nonprofit organization, charity or private foundation.
Share feelings, physical and spiritual to the poor, children around the world, helping them to integrate into the community.
Save the Earth
Are you concerned about the health of our planet, and ready to do what you can to save it? Let's action right now to save the Earth
our goals is
helping people
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Homeless people helped
Women and Children saved
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Whatever your capabilities, interests or schedule may be, we can find a volunteer opportunity that's right for you.
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Menus Solidario para los niños y niñas de Africa
MENÚ SOLIDARIO PARA LOS NIÑOS DE ÁFRICA. El menú solidaria para los niños de las familias desfavorecidas de África. Por solo un menú estarán ayudando…
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Unity Makes Strength